Eric Benevides's Fundraiser

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$120 USD raised
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My Appeal
Hi Everyone,

As most of you know, For over 5 years now I've been volunteering with Wolf-PAC, a grassroots organization dedicated to ending the fundamental corruption in our political system, the outrageous spending in campaigns. Because we are funded entirely by small dollar donations (like my own $10/month), we depend on good folks like you helping us out when you can to keep us going.

This year has been understandably tough, even as events have illustrated just how important it is that we address this issue, so this effort is extremely important & I want to do everything I can to help.

So please, if you can spare it, help me reach this super ambitious goal.

Love you all.
My Progress
Eric is walking 500,000 steps and raising funds for WOLF PAC. Please show your support and donate generously.
379,904.6 STEPS done
500,000 steps
My Cause
The Mission: Our goal is a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that ends the corruption of big-monied special interests in American politics and restores a government that represents the will of the people!
About the Organization: We are Americans, from all walks of life, who have come together to fight for the future of our country. We are school teachers, small business owners, firemen, janitors, engineers, truck drivers and nurses. We are proudly nonpartisan and grassroots funded.
Recent Donations
$ 50

Betty Dokus

Good luck and we're always happy to walk with you!

48 months ago

$ 10

Alicia Trimble

48 months ago

$ 50

Connie Brown

Go Eric and Zoey!

48 months ago

$ 10

Eric Benevides

48 months ago