Suzette Kraus's Fundraiser

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$1,020 USD raised
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Global Lyme Alliance Inc.
My Appeal
During my daughter Juliet's high school and college years, she struggled with depression and despite undergoing medication, there was no improvement in her condition. It was only after being tested for Lyme Disease that she received a positive diagnosis, following which she underwent treatment with limited success. In her own words, "I have been battling chronic Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses for years. This journey has taken a toll on me both physically and mentally, to the extent that I felt like giving up on life. The lack of understanding and acknowledgement from people around me, including medical professionals, has made me feel isolated and invalidated in my experience."
My Progress
Suzette is walking 31 miles and raising funds for Global Lyme Alliance Inc.. Please show your support and donate generously.
141.0 MILES done
31 miles
My Cause
The Mission: Cure Lyme and other tick-borne diseases through innovative research, awareness, and empowering the patient voice.
About the Organization: Our vision: A world free of Lyme and other tick-borne diseases.
Global Lyme Alliance (GLA) is the leading 501(c)(3) whose mission is to cure Lyme and other tick-borne diseases through innovation research, awareness, and empowering the patient voice.

We find and support researchers who think outside the box regarding diagnostic tests, cutting edge pharmaceuticals, as well as holistic treatment protocols. We connect Lyme specialist physicians with each other and with researchers to better understand the clinical features of patients suffering from chronic Lyme disease and other tick-borne co-infections. We also connect patients in our community with healthcare practitioners familiar with Lyme disease and provide a free peer-to-peer mentor support program for those in need.

The CDC estimates that there are approximately 476,000 Lyme disease cases each year in the United States. It is likely that cases will continue to rise. We are all one tick bite away from dealing with the potentially devastating effects of Lyme disease and other vector-borne infections. Currently, the gold- standard FDA-approved CDC two-tiered test is less than 60% accurate at detecting early Lyme disease. In addition, 10-20% of Lyme patients still suffer from symptoms after standard-of- care antibiotic treatment. Lyme can develop into a chronic illness that leads to serious health problems and reduced quality of life, so the discovery of alternative therapeutics is vital to help those battling the disease.
Recent Donations
$ 100

Brenda Collins

Sending love your way!

17 months ago

$ 50

Anna Wei

Congratulations to your daughter on getting her Masters degree. What a great accomplishment -and meaningful career she is embarking upon!

17 months ago

$ 50

Annette Meglino

17 months ago

$ 250

Jill and Andy


17 months ago

$ 100


17 months ago

$ 100

Diane Haneseth

cheering you on! Love Diane & Joe!

18 months ago

$ 50

Ilene Lion

Suzette, your daughter’s story is my story as well. I’m very sorry to hear she has had to suffer through her tick borne disease and illness feeling isolated and unable to get a diagnosis and treatment from the start. I hope she is doing better and that she has received the best support and treatment she needs. Sending love and prayers to your daughter and your entire family. Thank-you for sharing your story. My heart is with you. Always Ilene Lion

18 months ago

$ 50

Dennis Gaylin

18 months ago

$ 20

Shelly olivadoti

18 months ago

$ 50


Good luck!

18 months ago

$ 50

Lauren Hurwitz

18 months ago

$ 50

Jennifer Katritos

Will be walking with you!! xoxo

18 months ago

$ 100

Suzette Kraus

18 months ago