Thaty Oliveira's Fundraiser

$530 USD raised
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Nanny Relief Fund
My Appeal
===Portugues Abaixo===

Friends, I need your help!

A very beloved friend of mine, leader and pillar of the Nanny Community suffered a stroke recently and is now in much need of our help!

Sue has been the main reason I have proudly become a professional nanny. She was the founder of Nannypalooza, a coonference for nannies, and It was through that conference in 2010, that I met other nannies that "were crazy like me" who LOVED being nannies, and chose it as a CAREER.

Sue has helped and mentored hundreds of nannies in her decades of work as a nanny, and nanny leader. I highly look up to her. She is a true rockstar!

Sue is loved by so many and I am very grateful the community has come together to help her and Charlotte, her partner. Her journey to recovery ahead will be challenging, with lots of medical bills and equipments and reabilitation that won't be covered by their insurance. They will also need to move out of their apartment and have lots of adjustment made to accomodate their needs.

This fundraiser is just a very small portion but it will make a big difference to the main goal of $20K. So I know that any and all contributions will make a difference, and I will also match the donations received through this fundraiser (after my initial one) to up $500.

I hope I can count on you <3

Love, Thaty


Galerinha, preciso da sua ajuda!

Uma amiga minha muito querida, líder e pilar da Comunidade Babas sofreu um ataque cardiaco recentemente e agora precisa muito da nossa ajuda!

Sue foi a principal razão pela qual me tornei orgulhosamente babá profissional. Ela fundou a Nannypalooza, uma conferência para babás, e foi através dessa conferência, em 2010, que conheci outras babás que “eram loucas como eu” que AMAM ser babás, e escolheram isso como CARREIRA. Coisa que nem sabia ser possivel no Brasil.

Sue nao soh me ajudou, mas tbm ajudou e orientou centenas de babás em suas décadas de trabalho como babá e líder dessa comunidade. Eu a admiro muito e fiquei devastada quando soube de seu enfarto :(

Sue é amada por muitos e sou extremamente grata pela comunidade ter se unido para ajudar ela e Charlotte, sua parceira. A sua jornada para a recuperação pela frente será desafiadora, com muitas contas e equipamentos médicos e reabilitação que não serão cobertos pelo plano de saude delas. Elas também precisarão sair de seu apartamento e fazer muitos ajustes para acomodar suas necessidades.

Sei que toda e qualquer contribuição fará a diferença, e também irei igualar as doações recebidas através desta angariação de fundos até $ 500.

Espero poder contar com voces <3

Muito obrigada! Com carinho, Thaty
My Cause
The Mission: Nanny Relief Fund's mission is to provide support to the thousands of people working in the United States as nannies in moments of crisis. As nannies, nanny agency owners and people who have spent collective decades growing and nurturing this industry, we were spurred into action at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic when nannies across the country suddenly lost their jobs, their homes, and their stability.

Nannies come from all walks of life, but one key thing we all have in common is choosing a career dedicated to nurturing and educating the youngest generation of humans and supporting families in pursuing their dreams by providing much-needed support to their households.
About the Organization: In late March of 2020, Rachael L. Lubin began seeing more and more people on her social media platforms lose their jobs, their incomes, and become fearful of their immediate financial futures. She decided that as long as she was still fully employed— and as long as the COVID-19 crisis kept so many people out of work— she would donate her Monday paycheck to those in need. Using the song "Today 4 U" from the Broadway musical Rent, she posted a video on social media asking for people to contact her if they had an urgent need for a small, one-time gift.

The following week, Rachael noticed that a tremendous amount of nannies had been using their paid time off and sick leave to adhere to social distancing rules. She then noticed many were losing their jobs as this paid leave ran out. It was then that she realized this crisis was going to affect nannies in a huge way and for the foreseeable future. That day, she geared the peer-to-peer giving towards the whole nanny community. Amazingly, after her March 30th posting, many other nannies were inspired by her posts and joined her in donating a portion of their weekly income to other out-of-work nannies. By this time, other amazing humans were noticing the altruistic efforts Rachael was putting forth. It didn’t take long for her friend Austin Macfarlane to reach out. Within 48 hours they had assembled a core team comprised of powerhouse women in the nanny industry, and a generous group of pro bono professional advisors, attorneys, and a branding specialist.

The Nanny Relief Fund came to full existence with the love and support of this group of “doers” and the team decided to move this effort forward as a non-profit. The non-profit intends to support the nanny community through this crisis and will stand ready and able to support the community in any crisis to come.
Recent Donations
$ 100

Monique Nguyen

Get well soon SUE!!! <3

12 months ago

$ 100


12 months ago

$ 100

Justina Forsythe

Get well

12 months ago

$ 30

Rosaleen McGill

Sue is such a force that has positively impacted countless lives by her advocacy and Nannypalooza. I wouldn’t have been able to reach the heights I have without her, I can’t thank her enough. Sending all my love❤️

12 months ago

$ 200

Thaty Oliveira

12 months ago