Please join us for the 4th annual Hour Generation Foundation (HGF) Virtual Walk for Wellness Journey, May 1 – May 31. This is an opportunity to move for something that matters–whether it’s for mental health, physical wellness, self- love, or in memory of a loved one. May is mental health awareness month. We are challenging you to walk or run 25 miles or 52,800 steps in one month. This will require spending more time being intentional about you. This is a challenge, so once you pass those 25 miles, you will be pushed by your teammates and coworkers to keep moving. You can reset your goal at any time. Last year’s winner walked 353 miles! Wellness is defined as the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of surviving you are thriving. There are four dimensions of wellness; Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, and Social. This challenge allows all four of these dimensions. As you participate in this virtual walk/run, you can choose your own course to walk, run, and/or bike, in your community. You can also create your own custom fundraising page and share your personal link on social media! Participants will earn additional points throughout the 30 days for logging in their daily wellness activities. Watch yourself, your team and all participants move on our map and leaderboards towards our collective goals. Cheer on your fellow racers!! Brag about your streaks or longest runs! How do I get started and participate?Participate in the HGF Walk for Wellness by following these 3 simple steps! STEP 1REGISTER for the campaign and join or start a team at charityfootprints.com/hourgenerationwellness/Registration is $30 to participate or $50 with a t-shirt. 
Choose your team from one of the many teams or create a team. Once registered, set up your fundraising page with your custom personal fitness and fundraising goals. This challenge will not only encourage you to engage in physical fitness activities, but also practice healthy wellness habits! STEP 2TRACK your steps, miles, and activities the entire month of May! Any kind of exercise and physical activity counts! Check out the activity conversion chart included. There are four ways to track your progress:• Download the free Charity Footprints App• Sync your fitness device (Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin, Google Fit, Misfit, Strava) or use the health app on your iPhone• Manually enter your miles on your event page• Manually enter your activity points (refer to conversion charts) STEP 3SHARE your personal fundraising page with your network! Invite your family, friends, and colleagues to join you by participating on your team or make a contribution on your fundraising page to help you reach your goals. Awards: We will award the top three individual participants and the top three teams that accumulate the most overall footprints, the most steps, and the most activities during the 30-day challenge. In addition, we will award the individual with the most scrapbook pic posts.

Campaign Engagement
This campaign offers numerous ways to get involved and earn points! Whether you’re posting in the scrapbook, leaving comments, chatting with others, or sending invitation emails, every action counts. Refer to the CAMPAIGN ENGAGEMENT POINTS CHART below to see how each activity earns points and start participating now to boost your score.

COMPLETED: 1,188,675 points
TARGET: 600,000 points
COMPLETED: 35,589,980 steps
TARGET: 10,000,000 steps
RAISED: $ 24,602
TARGET: $ 25,000

Please register for the campaign to see the chat activity. If you're already registered, login here.