Prematurity Awareness Walk
Prematurity walk reaches 13 countries within 2 weeks.
Jersey City, NJ – Charity Footprints recently completed a first-of-its-kind global, ‘decentralized’ 5K to raise funds for Sankara Eye Foundation, a US-based non-profit organization that works toward eliminating curable blindness in India.
Rahul Razdan
November 18, 2014

There comes a time in our lives when we are confronted by an incident that make us pause (for a while), think (long and hard) and re-evaluate (everything in life, rather life itself). This pretty much sums up the day when I saw Nathan’s story for the first time.
Nathan’s story is that of an angel and how he fought and conquered the odds that were stacked up against him. Yes, Nathan is a hero, and so are his parents – Cheryl & Sunil, the doctors, the medial staff, his family & friends and the list goes on.
But this is when reality hits and knocks the wind out of you – Over 15 million premature babies are born each year; Unfortunately, over 1 million infants continue to die due to prematurity complications; Premature birth is the single largest reason of newborn deaths; Three-quarters of these lives can be saved if current cost-effective interventions are made available to all. That’s right, over 750,000 lives are lost due to lack of funds!
Pause – Think – Re-evaluate.
On Monday November 17th – the World Prematurity Day, Cheryl and Pebbles of Hope launched an Anywhere-Anytime 5K Walkathon to further their mission of ‘Giving the world’s smallest babies a fighting chance’.
If you would like to support this mission by walking, running or biking a 5k anywhere & anytime between now and December 1st (event flyer below), please email for more information. Join 60+ people across 10 countries who are already committed to raising awareness & funds for the little angels who are fighting an uphill battle and need your help.
Be Active. Be Generous.
Event Update – Here is a quick visual for where participants walked.

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