Virtual Walks, Virtual Runs, Virtual Rides (a.k.a. Virtual Races)

A virtual race fundraiser is a fundraising event in which participants sign up to complete a virtual walk, run or ride while raising money for a charitable cause. Virtual races are completed remotely, rather than at a specific location on a set date. Participants can complete the race at their own pace and time, often tracking their progress using a fitness tracker or smartphone app. Virtual race fundraisers offer a flexible and convenient way for individuals and organizations to raise money for a cause they care about, and can be a fun and social way to get involved in philanthropy.

What are the benefits of Virtual Walks, Virtual Runs, Virtual Rides (a.k.a. Virtual Races)?

  1. More flexibility: Virtual races provide greater flexibility and convenience for participants to join the fundraiser.

  2. Lower overhead costs: Virtual races do not require extensive logistical planning and organization as traditional in-person races, so they often have lower overhead costs.

  3. Wider reach: Virtual races can be completed by anyone, anywhere, so they have the potential to attract participants from a much wider geographic area and audience.

  4. Increased engagement: Virtual races can often include interactive elements such as virtual maps, scrapbooks, eMedals etc., which can help increase engagement and community building.

  5. More fundraising: Virtual races can seamlessly integrate with peer-to-peer fundraising software providing a platform for participants to raise awareness and funds for a cause or charity that is important to them.


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