Participant Spotlight
The Energizer Bunny - April Knight
Non-Profit Supported - Wildlife Waystation
Scott E. Mills
January 2019
We caught up with April Knight, participant on the Wildlife Waystation’s virtual race to understand what motivates her to run every day and what it means to her to support this wonderful organization. This was her first virtual run after having done many half marathons for American Stroke Association in the past. Read our Q & A to learn how she got into running and why we call her The Energizer Bunny!

Q. Where do you live, and what do you do for a living?
A. I’m a CPA, based out of Woodland Hills, CA (outside of LA).
Q. Why is giving back important to you?
A. It makes me happy to give back to others! Whether it’s a fundraiser, giving blood or anything like that that, I want to help people and do my part in creating the opportunity for everyone to succeed (however you might define that).
Q. What excites you to support Wildlife Waystation?
A. They do great work rescuing abandoned animals and help protect the wildlife, as well as offering a lot of educational resources in the community. For example, there were chimps that had been used for medical testing – they took all of these chimps in and gave them a home. They nurtured them and gave them a life that they would not have had if it was not for Wildlife Waystation. So many people volunteer and give time and money to help Wildlife protect these animals.
Q. For someone who might not be familiar with Wildlife Waystation, what would you want them to know?
A. Well, besides the great things I mentioned earlier, it’s not just local animals. They take in animals all around the world, even those that have been smuggled into this country. Instead of facing certain death, these animals are now given a second chance at life.
Q. Do you support or volunteer your time with other non-profits? Which ones?
A. I run for Ovarian Cancer and also support Hope of the Valley [rescue mission for homeless].
Q. What was your strategy for hitting your fitness challenge goal? What motivates you to go further?
A. This was my first virtual run. I’ve done a lot of half marathons for American Stroke Association. My daughter initially got me into running!
I’m a believer in setting goals, no matter how high they are. You’ll find out a way to get there. I went to school at night and
studied for the CPA exam, took care of my kids, put them to bed, and worked until 2am. I was up at 6am to send them to school.
Some people say you can’t do it – I wanted to prove them wrong. Watch me, I absolutely can!
Q. Do you have a fitness buddy/team that you workout with?
A. Just me that signed up! I like to walk at lunch and at evening with my grand-daughter. This has become part of our routine. We both love the sound of the owls and birds at night.
Q. How do you recover? Do you have a go-to recovery drink?
A. I drink a lot of electrolytes while walking or running, and I take my daily vitamins! No recovery drink afterwards, but I do drink a lot of water to make sure I’m hydrated.
Q. Do you follow any specific diet program?
A. No, not really, just your daily calories and macros that everyone needs!
Q. What are your favorite fitness gears?
A. I love New Balance shoes, and Nike apparel. When I walk or run, I like to have shorts with pockets. It’s often difficult to find women’s clothing with pockets so on occasion I have to buy men’s apparel!
Q. If you were a brand, what would be your motto/mission?
A. "No Excuses." "You can accomplish anything."
We got so pumped up after our conversation with April, and hope her motivation & interest in giving back rubs off on everyone. You can donate to Wildlife Waystation and show your support for April and a wonderful non-profit organization!
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