Campaign Launch
The KASE Project - Virtual Fun Run - Racing Toward Acceptance
Fathima Sherin
Oct 2022

The KASE Project was formed in September of 2021 in an effort to increase awareness for autism and raise money for local community. The guiding light of the organization is a 4-year-old boy named Kase, who inspires them to be Kind And Silly Every day (KASE).
Did you know that virtual races cost 80-85% less than a physical race?
Interested in starting a virtual race?
The Kase Project Virtual Run Mission
The KASE Project will raise awareness for and support the autism community through community outreach and direct fundraising while keeping with the founding principles of being kind and silly every day.
About The Kase Project Virtual Run Campaign
We introduced The KASE Project to our community as a “creative venture” with proceeds benefiting the autism community. We had hopes of monthly craft sales that would allow us to be creative while supporting a cause close to our hearts.
Over the last year, we have supported local organizations in purchasing sensory tools and communication devices. We gifted ABA clients with Christmas gifts and implemented our first public access picture communication board at a local playground. We recently became a registered non-profit with hundreds of supporters across the state of Illinois and the country.
The goal of our first virtual run is to raise funds to implement additional playground communication boards in our community. Picture communication boards allow park-goers of all ages and abilities to enjoy playground activities by using visual cues to communicate. We chose Charity Footprints for our first major fundraising event because TKP supporters are in various locations across the state of Illinois. We want our loyal advocates to have the ability to participate in what we hope to be a yearly event.
Ready to leave your footprints?
Talk to the team that has helped 1,200+ organizations such as yours run amazing virtual & hybrid races.