Association of Fundraising Professionals Florida Caucus

Charity Footprints Partner - Association of Fundraising Professionals Florida Caucus

| Program Focus: Education and Research


AFP Florida Caucus is governed by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Global Organization The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) represents more than 31,000 members in over 240 chapters throughout the world, working to advance philanthropy in North America and around the world through advocacy, research, education, and certification programs. The association fosters the development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession. For more information or to join the largest association of development professionals, visit AFP Global.

Our Mission

Dedicated to advancing philanthropy by enabling people and organizations to practice ethical and effective fundraising through education, training, mentoring, research, credentialing and advocacy, and convening to conduct statewide business of interest to the chapters as well as sponsor and conduct a statewide educational event Planet Philanthropy